We held our monthly Food Processors Lunch & Learn event on Wednesday, July 18 and listened to representatives from the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) provide insights into the workings of their respective agencies. They discussed what each expects when conducting a facility inspection, and, interestingly, the interactions each has with other state agencies and with the respective federal agencies, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). I was interested to learn that all MDARD inspections that are conducted on commission by the FDA also include, at the same time, a state inspection. The inspectors also shed light on a common occurrence and a situation that many clients have inquired about: specifically, what happens if a state-licensed food establishment hasn't obtained its federal food facility registration? Please don't hesitate to contact me at sskluting@varnumlaw.com if this is an issue you are facing.
(Editor's Note: Attorney Steve Kluting authored this post while working in Varnum's Grand Rapids office. Steve is currently with another company.)